NLFL 2024 Midterm Convention
The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour will be holding its Midterm Convention in St. John’s from Sunday, November 17 to Tuesday, November 19, 2024.
This Convention features several incredible keynote speakers and workshops that focus on equipping workers with the skills, knowledge and information you need to take political action to fight for your rights and make a difference in your workplace and community.
For information on delegate registration, please contact your Union Local.
Registration deadline is November 2, 2024.
In accordance with our Constitution, registration and attendance at Convention will be on the following basis:
ARTICLE IV – CONVENTIONSSection 4 – Representation at Convention
Section 4(a) – Representation at all Conventions shall be from affiliates on the following basis: one (1) delegate for fifty (50) or less members; two (2) delegates for fifty-one to one hundred (51 to 100) members; and one (1) additional delegate for each additional two hundred (200) members or major fraction thereof. Local unions may elect alternates in the same manner as delegates to all Conventions. Alternates shall only be seated as a delegate in the absence of the delegate for whom they are the alternate.
One (1) additional credential shall be allocated to each affiliate for youth delegates under the age of thirty-five (35).
Section 4(b) – Affiliate representation shall be calculated on the average number of members on which Per Capita Tax has been paid to the Federation during the twelve (12) month period ending ninety (90) days prior to the opening date of the Convention.
Section 4(c) – Local Labour Councils shall be entitled to a maximum of three (3) delegates.
Section 5 – Credential Entitlement
Not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening of each Triennial or Issue(s)-Based Convention, and thirty (30) calendar days prior to any Special Convention, the Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish each affiliate with official credentials. A delegate must be a member of the local union, branch or lodge. Two (2) or more local unions, branches or lodges may combine to send a delegate. All credentials shall be completed as required and returned to the Secretary-Treasurer. No credentials shall be accepted later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the opening date of a Triennial or Issue(s)-Based Convention, and ten (10) calendar days prior to a Special Convention.