Newfoundland and Labrador Workers Need Card-Check Certification!
Having a union and a clear collective agreement improves health and safety, strengthens employee morale, reduces employee turnover and provides stability and predictability for workers that benefits them and the economy.
It’s time for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to make it easier for workers to join a union by implementing card-check certification.
Card-check, or single-step, certification simply means that if a clear majority of workers in a workplace support forming a union – and sign authorization cards declaring this – they can form one.
Currently in Newfoundland and Labrador workers are forced through a secondary formal vote to unionize in their workplace, even when a majority of workers have signed membership cards showing their support.
Through card-check certification, our Government would protect workers from intimidation, threats and bullying from anti-union employers and their agents, helping to bring democracy to workplaces by respecting workers’ right to unionize.